Training on Detection and Assessment of Pollution Load to the Soil was held on 8-10-12 February as the second training for strengthening technical and institutional capacity regarding the management of contaminated sites. Approximately 179 people from central and Provincial Directorates of Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and the related public institutions and organizations attended this training, which was held online due to COVID-19 measures.

Gülhan Saygılı, Soil Pollution Control Unit Manager from Water and Soil Management Department and Bursev Doğan Artukoğlu, Priority Chemicals Management Unit Manager from the Chemicals Management Department gave the opening speeches and emphasized the importance of trainings to strengthen the implementation capacity of the Regulation on Control of Soil Pollution and Sites Contaminated by Point-Sources.

Following the opening speeches, Prof. Dr. İpek İmamoğlu, Project’s Technical Consultant and Prof. Dr. Elçin Kentel Erdoğan, Project’s Technical Consultant shared information about the management of preliminary assessment, graded evaluation, and pollution indicator parameters.

On the first day of the training, a detailed explanation was provided for the participants about sub-titles of the first stage assessment, identification, and registration within the scope of the Regulation. On the second day of the training, the first stage assessment processes were discussed through examples. After this session, Ivan Holoubek, International Technical Consultant presented a comparison of identification, registration and the first stage assessment processes in the European Union countries. On the last day, a training was provided about the selection of sampling points in contaminated sites and points to be paid attention during this process.

During the training, feedbacks were received through interactive online tools before and after the training. Training on Detection and Assessment of Pollution Load to the Soil ended with the feedbacks received from the participants.
