Completed Projects

The overall objective of the proposed Enabling Activities (EA) is to strengthen national capacity and capability to prepare a National Implementation Plan (NIP) for the management of POPs. This plan will provide a basic and essential level of information to enable policy and strategic decisions to be made and identify priority activities that Turkey should undertake in order to meet the requirements of the Stockholm Convention. It will be endorsed by all stakeholders prior transmission to the Conference of Parties (COP).
Project activities:
The proposed project activities will follow the step-wise process outlined in the GEF “Initial Guidelines for Enabling Activities for the Stockholm Convention on POPs” and are described in detail in the main body of this proposal. In summary, these activities will:
establish a sustainable national inventory system that identifies and quantifies POPs production, trade, storage, use or unintentional emission (Articles 3, 5, 6, 9, 10);
assess current legal, institutional, and technical capacity in the management and monitoring of POPs;
assess the socio-economic implications of POPs use and reduction, and create awareness of POPs-related risks amongst stakeholders through information exchange and education so as to facilitate the identification and introduction of alternative chemicals (substitutes) (Articles 9, 10);
identify, from preliminary inventories and assessments, the actions to be taken by Turkey as a matter of priority;
- Prepare and gain endorsement for, a National Implementation Plan, in accordance with Article 7.
Project expected outcomes:
A National Plan for the implementation of the obligations of Turkey under the Stockholm Convention (NIP).
National capacity and capabilities to implement the NIP and fulfil reporting requirements to the COP.
Project duration, costs and executing agencies
Project duration: 2 years
Estimated total budget: US$ 469,700
Amount being requested from the GEF: US$ 469,700
Information on the organization submitting the proposal:
UNIDO is the United Nations’ specialized agency for industrial development. It has long-established programmes to improve the economic and environmental performance of industry in developing countries and in countries with economies in transition. It has accumulated significant knowledge of a variety of industries such as the chemicals, pulp and paper, cement and textiles sectors. It is conversant with issues related, inter alia, to pesticide formulation and to the unintentional generation of POPs by-products.
UNIDO has participated in those Interagency Cooperative events that led to the intergovernmental negotiations for the preparation of the Stockholm Convention including:
- international meetings held in Vancouver, Canada in 1995 and Manila, the Philippines, in 1996;
- meetings of the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS) and the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC);
- Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) meetings for an International Legally Binding Instrument for Implementing International Action on Certain POPs.
UNIDO is an executing agency with expanded opportunities for implementing GEF projects and, in 2001, became a member of the GEF Inter-Agency Task Force on POPs. It is mandated to submit enabling activity proposals directly to GEF. To date, 28 EA proposals submitted by UNIDO have been approved.
UNIDO and its partners have developed a number of proposals and is executing projects:
- to identify best technologies for POPs elimination;
- to identify and evaluate alternative materials as substitutes for the prescribed POPs;
- to identify suitable approaches to legal and social aspects of the management of POPs engaging government structures, industry and civil society.
UNIDO’’s International Centre of Science and High Technology (ICS), Trieste, Italy, has prepared a training programme on POPs and is implementing it for national officials of developing countries
- Information on the proposed executing organization.
The Ministry of Environment (MoE) will be the executing agency of this project. Its structure and responsibilities are given in Annex 1. The Ministry is the authorized body in Turkey, which establish standards and guidelines, formulate policies, develop cooperation with other ministries, monitor the trends, enforce the current legislation and disseminate information related to the environment.
Date the proposal was submitted to a GEF Implementing Agency/Executing Agency with Expanded Opportunities: 19 August 2002
Date the proposal was submitted to the GEF Secretariat: 24 October 2002
Date the proposal was approved: 17 December 2002
GEF Agency Approval Date: 19 February 2003
Project Status: IA Approved
Implementation Status: Project completed
Turkey signed the Stockholm Convention on May 23, 2001 and ratified it on 14 October 2009 and became a party by 12 January 2010. After the signature of the Convention, Turkey has started its harmonization process in order to fulfill the Article 7 of the Convention that Turkey is obliged to submit a National Implementation Plan within two years of the date on which this Convention enters into force for it. The before the date mentioned above, Turkey has prepared its NIP Document with the support of GEF and submitted to the Stockholm Secretariat in 4 May 2011. However, Parties are required to review and update their NIPs in a manner specified by a decision of the COP. Among others the addition of chemicals to the Annexes is a factor that leads to the need to review and update the original NIP for a Party. For this purpose, the project entitled as “EA for Review and Update the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Turkey” has been started in Turkey in order to integrate the newly listed POPs to the National Implementation Plan of the country.
Project Objective
The objective of this project is to assist the decision makers of Turkey in fulfilling obligation of the reviewing and updating the National Implementation Plan having it endorsed and submitted to Conference of Parties of Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs).
Main Outcomes
There will be 5 main outcomes of the project:
- Inception Report, comprising Inception Workshop and other organizational matters;
- Validation of inventories of new POPs (and updating of initial 12 POPs) by relevant stakeholders.
- National capacities for new POPs management identified and priority of new POPs risk reduction options set by stakeholders- organization of National Priority Validation Workshop
- Formulation of National Implementation Plan (NIP) and Specific Action Plans on POPs
- Endorsement of National Implemantation Plan by the stakeholders.ActivitiesThe activities which are stated in the initial Project Document are listed as follows;
- Component 1 – Coordination mechanism and awareness raising
- Component 2 – Inventories of new POPs and NIP review
- Component 3 – National capacities assessment and priority setting for management of new POPs
- Component 4 – NIP formulation, endorsement and submission
The Table 1 summarizes all the workshops which ought to be conducted in order to finalize the Project.
Workshop Component Date Status Inception 1 11/14/2012 Completed Training of Trainers 2 03/4-5/2013 Completed Validation (and Pre-Prioritization) 3 10/30-31/2013 Completed Prioritization 3 11/21/2013 Completed Endorsement 4 27/02/2014 Completed By the end of each workshop a relevant report and the budget of the Project is submitted both to the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization along with UNIDO Vienna Head Quarters. Each workshops completed tasks are summarized in the following section.
The overall objective of the project is to protect human health and environment from adverse effects of persistent organic pollutants and their waste by prohibiting, phasing out and eliminating release of them in line with EU Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Regulation.
Purpose of the project is to establish the necessary capacity for effective implementation of EU Persistent Organic Pollutants Regulation in Turkey at national and regional level taking into account social and economic impacts.
Project activities were implemented with a focus on strengthening the institutional and technical capacity for the effective implementation of the POPs Regulation numbered 850/2004/EC. The project with a budged of 1.000.000 Euro was started in June 2013 and lasted for 24 months.
Main Components of the Project:
1. Defining and strengthening the institutional and technical capacity for the effective implementation of the POPs Regulation
2. Conceiving the steps to be taken for effective implementation the POPs Regulation
3. Determination of national and sectoral effects of the implementation of the POPs Regulation
Main Activities of the Project:
• Explanatory Seminar
• Training of trainers program
• Workshops
• Dissemination Seminars
• Study visits
• Preparation of Legal Gap Analysis and GTFZ analysis and
• Preparation of draft legislation
• Updating the National Implementation Plan
• Preparation of the Sectoral Impact Assessment
• Preparation of the Regulatory Impact Assessment
• Project Brochure
• Project Website
• Project Final Conference